Wednesday, April 13, 2011

6 Days to Go...

Only six more days to go of my three least favorite months of the year. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but trying not to get too excited because there are still a lot of working hours in 6 days. Oh, to have freedom again!

I came home last night around 10 and BBoy was already asleep and the hubs kissed me and then went straight to bed. Sad. :( But, that meant I got to catch up on an episode of House Hunters - I love me some HGTV! (Side note - do you know that show is rigged? The people have already purchased a house and the other two houses they look at are "dummy" houses. Crazy, huh? I still watch it though - apparently the house they "choose" is the empty one since they have already purchased it - and try to guess which one they end up with).

Another side note - what happened to all my shows this month?! This is the one month where I want to veg out and watch TV all night when I get home after a long day of work and there hasn't been any new episodes all month! It does not make me very happy...

In other Kane family news... the hubs gets to observe an autopsy today for one of his classes. Without sounding too morbid/weird, how cool is that?! I can't wait to hear all about it (and share all the juicy details, of course!).

And just because I love this little guy so much, here's another Buster pic...

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