Monday, June 20, 2011

Buster Gets His Degree

Don't get too excited, it's just a beginner class. But for the BBoy, this is a pretty big deal. He's come leaps and bounds since we first got him - not only with obedience stuff, like sitting and laying down, but also in his personality too. He is such a fun, playful, and curious little puppy. And much better about being around other people.

Anyways, I could talk about my little poopy dog for hours, but I'll spare you since you get enough of it already.  Here's some pics I snapped (very quickly) at his Puppy Graduation. (We had to act fast since he wasn't diggin' his cap).

This is Buster's friend, Cocoa. She's a chocolate lab and loves to play with BBoy.

This is Marigold, a King Charles Spaniel. She was such a cutie! I don't think her legs ever stopped moving - she was always so excited and energetic! I think she had a crush on Buster too, despite that he was 3 times her size and occasionally slapped her around.

He'll do anything for a treat... especially when Miss Kathy has the good treats!

Proud parents!

Congratulations little buddy!

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