Thursday, December 8, 2011

DIY: Yarn Letters

I've wanted to do this project for months. Finally, it is complete. My inspiration came from Pinterest, naturally (Seriously addicted... if you're not on it, shame on you. Let me know if you need an invite!). 

I think this was one of the one of the first things I actually pinned. Looking back, I should have probably used a different color yarn (I just used a dark gray), but I do like how they turned out. It still gives the texture I was looking for, but in a more subtle way. 

What you'll need:
Yarn (I used one skeen for both letters)
Cardboard letters (I picked these up at Michaels or JoAnns a while back - I can't remember how much they cost)
Felt (I used about 3 - 8.5 x 11 inch sheets)
Glue gun

A word of advice... don't let your puppy get anywhere near the cardboard letters.

First step is to glue the felt so that it covers the cardboard letter. This will help the yarn stay in place. Believe me on this one, I tried to just wrap the yarn on the letter without the felt and failed miserably. You need the felt. It provides a somewhat textured surface for the yarn to stick to. 

Make sure to pull the felt tight and cover all edges of the letters.

Once you've got the felt on there, the next (and longest) step is to start wrapping. Depending on the letter you use, you might have to use your glue gun to get some of the weird angles to stick (on some steep edges the felt won't do it alone). I just made sure they were in the back, or at least wouldn't show.

Make sure you wrap the yarn so it covers all edges and then you are done!

The worst parts were the middle part of the M and the corners of the Z. Tough to get it to wrap smoothly, but since I had the same color of felt underneath, I didn't have to be perfect. 

I ended up putting the letters in our bedroom. The ampersand (which I'm  obsessed with) is from Anthropologie and I really like how  it all turned out!

I'm kind of obsessed with monograms. What about you? We used monograms at our wedding, we have monogram ornaments on our tree. Any chance I have to use letters or type, I do! Are you guys a fan?

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