Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 5: Photo-A-Day

Here's the rest of my photo-a-days from January. I finished the whole month! Woohoo!

January 29

January 30

January 31

I love the last one of me and Buster Boy. He can be such a sweetie. :)

For February, I'm switching it up! I found through instagram (follow me if you want - mykane) there are a ton of people doing the same thing. So cool. I also found this little list, which I very much appreciate. I think it will help me stay on track and think of ideas of photos to take, especially during busy season when my creativity is hurting. Even through January, it was getting hard to think of new things to take pics of besides my dear Buster. Haha. So here's the list I'm following (thanks to @fatmumslim!).

I'll probably be combining into one post at the end of each month to make it easier. Will you join me? Even if you're a little late to the party, that's ok! 

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