Monday, May 7, 2012

Cinco de Meg-o and Sombrero Cookies

That's right. I may have just made my own holiday. I'm clever like that. Maybe you saw a little of my inspiration here, maybe you didn't. In any case, we had a great party this weekend to celebrate our birthdays (Zach's was a couple weeks ago), the end of busy season, and Cinco de Mayo (ahem, Meg-o). 

I had fun going all out Cinco de Mayo... I cut up some brightly colored tissue paper and attached it to some yarn to make some pretty garland to put up around the house. We even caught the Derby on TV - way to go, I'll Have Another. It really is pretty exciting for those two minutes!

I've been waiting to use these empty cans for something for a while now. The perfect size to hold some silverware. I just added some scrapbook paper to the outside to make them a little more festive. A great (and cheap!) way to add a little color.  

I even added a little colorful paper around the little cacti pots too. I got them for about $3/each at Home Depot. I love how colorful and tiny they are!

Probably my favorite thing was the Sombrero Cookies! Aren't they cute? I used my trusty Sugar Cookie recipe - it never fails! After you let the cookies cool, just add a little vanilla frosting around the outside and then a small circle in the middle (I used store bought frosting and put it in a bag). Turn it upside down and dip in a plate full of sprinkles until its covered. Then I added a dot more of frosting in the middle and put on the gum drop for a little mini sombrero. Ay ay ay!

I bought a yard of colorful fabric to make a table runner. Anything to add color for the festivities!

We served Salsa Chicken Tacos and they were delicious! Super easy too - in the crock pot, just add chicken breast, salsa and some onions. Mmmmhmmm. Such a fun party and my favorite food too. Any excuse to be a little creative and get together with friends!

Did you have a good weekend? Do any celebrating for Cinco de Mayo or maybe the Derby? 

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