Thursday, May 24, 2012

Date Night: The Berliner + A New Column!

During tax season especially, date nights became a huge part of our relationship (in fact - sad to say - it was one of the only fun interactions the husband and I had each week... yay for taxes...). To me, it's really important to get out of the house, have some good food, and connect with each other during the week. It's so easy to get in the same routine, watch the same shows, surf the web every night (or work late, study, etc.) and you eventually realize while you are together and sitting right next to each other, you're not really interacting.

I loved the time we spent together eating out each week because we were able to have an actual conversation and reconnect. Honestly, it's what helped me make it through each week and get through tax season. We also made it a point to eat at a bunch of different and new places to keep it interesting.

So... (drum roll please)... today is the start of a new column here on make bake & love! Are you excited?! I sure am! I'm calling it Date Night and with this weekly (or bi-weekly) column I want highlight some of the yummy/cool/fun places me and the hubs check out on our weekly date nights. Fun, right?

First up is The Berliner. This has quickly become one of our favorite spots in Renton. The Berliner Pub is a German pub in downtown Renton that feels like authentic Germany right when you walk in. Dark wood, a huge fireplace and long tables with benches set the mood for a laid back European pub. Soccer is always on the big screen (don't worry, WA sports are on there too). Overall, I love the vibe of the place. The waitresses even wear traditional drundels!

Our favorite thing on the menu is the Brätzel (or pretzel, and yes I just googled how to type an umlaut). The thing is the biggest pretzel I've seen and it comes out warm and soft and so delicious. It comes with two types of mustard and I would recommend asking for cheese too (cream cheese). During happy hour it's only $5, which is more than enough food! They also have delicious curry fries (fries with curry ketchup) and the currywurst is good too. I don't think you can go wrong and for "pub food" it is really good. Here's the yelp reviews. Oh and don't forget all the German beers! All imported and the couple we've tried are great.

All this talk about German food reminded me that I never posted about our trip last summer to Germany! I need to get on that! Stay tuned...

What about you guys? Do you do a weekly date night? Monthly? Do you have a usual spot, or do you try a bunch of different places?

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