Monday, May 28, 2012

French Press

A week or two ago our coffee maker broke. I think everyone on the planet can identify with us in knowing how much that sucks. I may have had to get Starbucks every day last week... 

Husband came to the rescue and ordered us a French Press. I had never used one before and was a little apprehensive at first, but I'm slowly realizing how yummy it is! Just as good as brewed coffee for sure. The only down side is that it takes a little more time and attention than a regular coffee maker. First you have to ground the beans, then boil the water, next is letting it seep for five minutes, then you strain it, then you go milk a cow to get the cream. Just kidding. Not too bad, but you can't just walk away and leave it be. There is a little more involved.

OK, be honest. Am I the last person to try french press coffee? Well, I'm sold now. Especially since I also discovered my new favorite treat for summer... iced coffee! I'm probably the last person to jump on this too... It's just so refreshing. The secret is to use "simple syrup" (found here) and a little half and half. It's so good! 

What are your favorite summer treats/refreshments? Are you a french press or a coffee maker? 

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