Monday, June 17, 2013

Weekly Bump Photo (Week 30)

Thirty weeks!!! Booyah! I can't believe we are already at this point! Only ten weeks to go and I'm feeling pretty good. A little freaked out about everything that has to get done in the next ten weeks... but I know it will all work out. Someone asked me this weekend if we were ready for baby girl if she came now and the answer is definitely no! We still need to stock up on a lot of items (the main one being the car seat so we can bring her home!) and find a bigger place. Eeeek! My goal this week is to get more packing done - mostly my clothes that I won't even be able to wear the next few months anyways. 

Funny story from this past week at work (well, kind of funny):
Guy at work: "So, you have a couple weeks left?"
Me: "No... not due til the end of August..."
Guy at work: "Oh. So... twins then?"
Me: "Um... No. Just one in here."
Me: Walks away and cries when out of sight. (OK, no, not really. There were no tears, but I was definitely in a funk the rest of the day!)

I mean, I know I'm looking bigger, but that big?! I half laughed it off and half sulked in my own pity for the rest of the weekend day. Oh well. At least I look big because I'm prego and not just because... I guess?

It definitely reminded me of this. Guys, it's never OK.

No interview this week since not much significant has changed besides me getting slightly bigger and more uncomfortable. I did break down and get one of these though (not a Snuggie, but a Snoogle!). It was recommended by my friend, Sydney, and I thought it was worth a try since my sleeping has been increasingly uncomfortable. So far after two nights, I'm digging it. It's a little weird to get used to, but I think I will like it a lot. It definitely gives me more support on my belly and back, which is great.

Also, a big Happy Father's Day to my awesome hubby. He's my favorite Baby Daddy and I know he is going to be the most loving, fun, and caring Daddy! Happy Father's Day to all the other Daddys, Daddios, and Pop Pops out there!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you like the Snoogle so far! I miss using mine but weird to get use to that beast in the bed. Hope it helps. Also, we had the 'crazy car seat lady' (Sue Emery - come to our house to test out our car seat in the cars and give us some info/tips/tricks. We heard about her in our infant CPR class. You just give her a little cash for gas (I think we gave her $10-20) but it doesn't really cost anything and she comes to you. If you haven't bought your seat yet, she has great recommendations for your vehicles too. And yes, a little wacky but she wrote the book for most car seat safety so she knows a lot. Just in case you want to add one more thing to the list :)
