Wednesday, August 14, 2013

DIY: Ruffled Crib Skirt

Well, this is the second time I am writing this post... stupid computer! Another DIY nursery project for you today. When my mom was over a couple weeks ago, she helped me with this ruffled crib skirt. We used this tutorial and it was pretty helpful.  At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to do a straight crib skirt or a ruffled one (I'm not a ruffles person), but decided to go for the ruffles to make the room a little more feminine and add some texture. 

This project only cost $10 too - it was the IKEA Vivan curtains to the rescue again! It's such a cheap way to get some plain white fabric. The fabric is thin, but worked for the crib skirts since we were doing the ruffles anyways.

We started out with our cuts:
Base - 1 piece 28" x 52" (size of the crib mattress)
Side Panels - 1 piece 52" long, 2 pieces 28" long (and long enough to have the ruffled pieces hemmed on)
Ruffled Strips - 9 pieces that are 2.5 times the width of the sides and six inches high. Three strips for the long side that measured 130" and six strips for the short sides (three each) that measured 70" long.

After making all the cuts and hemming the edges, it was time to ruffle. This was the hard part... and we realized too late that my sewing machine had an actual "ruffling" attachment. Bummer. Instead, my mom used the technique of making three basting stitches in a row along the top of each strip leaving the end threads really long. 

After separating the top three threads from the bottom three, you can pull on the top three and scrunch the fabric together to create the ruffles (making sure to pull hard, but gently so you don't break the thread). It works like a charm, but takes some time to make the ruffles even. 

Then we pieced the ruffles onto the side panels starting with the bottom ruffle and making sure all ruffles lined up. We kind of just made it work... nothing too scientific here.

It was a labor of love, but we got it done! I like how the white ruffles are not too loud but bring some texture and girliness to the room. So glad it's done! And if I never see a ruffle again, I'll be very very happy. 

I'm pretty much done with the nursery and I'm hoping to share pics with you guys by the end of this week or early next week! 

PS - we are in SINGLE DIGITS! Only 9 more days until she is here (hopefully!)

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