Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Weekly Bump Photos (Weeks 8 - 40)

Yes yes, I know what you're thinking. Emerson is here so why am I posting another belly pic?! Well, it's the last one! Before we went to the hospital on the 24th, we took one last bump photo at 40 weeks. We had to finish what we started! It's so fun seeing how much my body changed over those 9 months. I'm still in awe (and kind of disbelief - am I really old enough to have a baby?!) that I have an almost one month old now... so crazy! And the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth and all that. It's weird. It's shocking. It's amazing. It's disgusting. Pretty much every emotion and descriptive word you could think of all wrapped into one perfect little bundle of joy that you never imagined you could love so much. :) Anyways, before I get totally sappy and start crying, let's just look back at my weekly bump photos, shall we?

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