Thursday, November 14, 2013

Two Months

Month Two Stats: 13.15 lbs, 24 inches

Without getting becoming too much of a cliche, let me just say that my heart keeps getting more and more full with love for this little girl. She's pretty awesome if I do say so. The first two months have flown by, but have also given us plenty of bonding time. We are settling into a good routine... eat, poop, play, nap... and having fun too! This month has been a little harder because Zach has been working long hours at his internship rotation - this should give us a good idea of what next year's schedule will be like though! It's definitely interesting being on the other side of a busy season schedule...

This past month has definitely brought on a lot of changes. It's amazing how fast she changes! She is smiling a ton and giggling some too. It's the cutest thing ever and it makes me melt! She's moving her arms and legs more and is doing an awesome job of holding her big ol' head up during tummy time (even though it's still not her most favorite thing to do). She is so alert when awake and is always looking around and taking everything in - so eager to see more. Em's been making more cooing and gurgling noises this past month too and is starting to respond to her name a little bit. She definitely responds to voices - turning her head to follow them. When her Dad comes home from work and talks to her, she definitely follows his voice around the room! It's so sweet. Emerson loves reading and listening to music. She is very attentive when we read books and gets her arms and legs going. She also likes to "dance" to the music, especially while in her bouncy chair while Mama is making dinner! And by dance, I mean flail her arms and legs around to the "beat." Haha. Our favorite music to listen to is the Disney Pandora Station. She's also a pretty good sleeper - we get a good 5-6 hours uninterrupted! She usually falls asleep between 8-9 then I feed her around 10:30-11 and then she sleeps until 4 or 5. Not too bad. 

With all the good, also comes the not-so-good... She definitely gets fussy more often these days. Still not a ton, but she is definitely more fussy during the evening "witching hour." Usually if we stand up and walk around with her she calms down - she loves being tall and up high. We've had a few nights of lots of crying, which is never fun... seriously, baby cries are the WORST! Something about that sound that kills me!

Towards the end of month two she started sucking on her hands and is even getting a little more coordinated with her toys. I can't wait to see what other changes will come with month three! Already she is getting more and more coordinated!

We did a lot this month... Emerson went to her first football game! We went down to Linfield to watch her Uncle Aaron coach his team to a victory! 

Em continued her usual sleeping poses...

 Her usual smiles...

And her usual cuteness...

We had fun just hanging out...

And I had fun going to the Hawks game with Schmevin!

Emerson got to meet her Great-Nana for the first time! It was so special to get another Four Generation picture with Zach, his Mom and his Nana. 

We celebrated Auntie Jenn's birthday...

And Em got to spend some quality time with her Aunties...

We went to the pumpkin patch, but didn't buy any pumpkins...

And got to spend lots of naps with Daddy...

Two months has flown by but we are so in love with our little monkey girl! 

Follow me on instagram if you want to keep up with all our happenings in real time! :) (and if you don't get annoyed by a million baby pics:)

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