Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Today was definitely a lazy Sunday and it felt great. I needed a day of rest. Only 7 more weeks until freedom! Whenever I hear "lazy Sunday" I always think back to the SNL Digital Short with Andy Samberg and Chris Parnell. It brings me back to my college days and makes me laugh. A lot. Take a look. (Also find it here.)

Did I mention I love puzzles? No? Well, I love puzzles. I haven't done one since we got the pup since he chews everything and I didn't want to risk it. Today he only chewed on three pieces. Luckily, we were able to catch the little bugger before he swallowed any.

And this is how we rounded out the afternoon. Buster Boy likes to take naps with his momma.

Now we're watching the Oscars. Love all the pretty dresses!


  1. LOVE LAZY SUNDAY. reminds me of college too.

    miss you!

  2. Lindsey and I just got into puzzling too! Maybe we should have some kind of puzzle party when you guys move back up here eh? Or really any kind of party will do
