Monday, June 6, 2011

Changing It Up!

Hi there! Some of you may have been a little confused this morning when you woke up, made your cup of coffee and immediately went to check what was going on over at The Lilliputian Project. I don't blame you. It's weird and sudden, and I'm also wondering what. just. happened.

Kidding. Unless that is your routine, then I thank you. I thank you very much. I appreciate you as a reader (Hi Mom! Hi Aunt Sue!). I did change things up over the weekend... I hope you like it. I basically just changed the name of my blog, which means The Lilliputian Project is no longer (kind of sad, I know!).

After lots of consideration, I decided that while The Lilliputian Project was cute and has a personal meaning to me, it wasn't catchy and was possibly hard to remember. (How do you even pronounce Lilliputian anyways??? I still don't know, except that my hubby still calls me that sometimes.) :)

So, as of today, The Lilliputian Project is no longer and the new, improved, and wicked awesome Make Bake and Love is now in business! Are you excited??? Because I am.

This little remodel doesn't really change anything (just the name), so I'll still be sharing all about DIY projects (I've got some good ones coming up!), cookie baking (have to keep the hubby happy) and lots of inspiration. And of course, I'll throw in a few good Buster stories now and then. :)

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy!

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