Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

I hope you all had a great Labor Day Weekend! We hung out with friends in Seattle, rode the ferry to Bainbridge Island to do a little one-day camping, and did a little shopping downtown. The weather was beautiful and I even got a little sunburn. Zach called me his Lobster Wife. I've realized I'm either his Vampire Wife or Lobster Wife. There is no in between for me.

The bad thing that happened this weekend was that my phone officially died. Well, not completely, but it's about 90% dead. A bottle of wine got dropped on it (oops!) and now the screen is just white all the time. I can still answer calls since I know where the "slide" button is to answer, but can't really do anything else since I can't see the screen. So now both Z and I are both out of phones and want to wait until the new iPhone 5 comes out (hopefully Oct. 1!?) and another phone comes out for Z. Basically, that's at least two weeks without phones. Ugh. Not fun, but I'm kind of interested to see how it goes. It might be nice to be phone-free for a little while...

The rest of the weekend Zach studied (a lot) for his big test and I rounded out the weekend with a Mad Men marathon. Just started watching the show and now I see why everyone is so obsessed. It's goooood. I'm just a little slow to the party. :)

Looking forward to a short work week!

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