Thursday, February 16, 2012

I Love Lamp.

Specifically, this lamp.

Isn't she pretty? So golden yellow and cheery. I must admit, I feel a little bit more like a grown up. I've never bought a nice, big, stylish lamp before. Seriously, every lamp we have in our house is either from IKEA or a hand me down from the 90s. Not stylish. 

I may have gone a little over my allowance this month, but getting this lamp makes our living room feel more complete, and that makes me happy. It's the little things during busy season.

At first, I bought a different shade. It was the same yellow color, but with a pattern that I loved. It looked great in the store when the light wasn't on...

...but once I brought it home and got it all lit up, it was not as pretty as I had pictured. Darker, and the white pattern didn't look as great as I thought it would.

What do you think? Yellow pattern? Or soft subtle white and wavy? I'm partial to the white now (obviously) but still think the yellow one is pretty too (just not all lit up). Have you guys purchased any nice grown up lamps lately? Or still rocking the IKEA lighting?

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