Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Well, Hello There.

It's been a while. I've been super busy with work lately and that means this little blog is getting neglected (sad face here). It doesn't mean I haven't had good intentions... I have lots of fun DIY ideas, but just haven't had the time or energy to type them up or take any photos (but I can't wait to share them with you soon!). 

Anyways, just wanted to pop in and say hi. We are just plugging along in the Kane household... Zachary studying for board exams and school, me with busy season. It's definitely a "this too, shall pass" kind of time in our lives. But, we have a each other and our puppy and that makes us happy (if you want to see more of my little stinker check out my #dailybuster photo and follow me on instagram! @mykane). 

I hope to be back soon with some fun posts, but if I take a while, don't hate me! In the meantime, here's some fun sayings from pinterest that pretty much sum up our life right now. 

coffee, flow, breathe, enjoy, make it happen!

P.S. Andrew Bird's new album, Break It Yourself, came out today! I can't wait to listen! He is our favorite... Are you a fan?

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