Monday, March 12, 2012

Twin Falls Hike

A month or so ago we went on a little hiking adventure since the sun was (finally) shining! We originally planned to go to Snoqualmie Falls, but discovered the hiking trails are closed until 2013! Boo. A coworker told me about Twin Falls and we decided to check it out instead. And we are glad we did!

The trail head is about a 30 minute drive Northeast of our place in Renton, so not too far. We had to pay $10 to use the trail (or, you can pay around $30 for a yearly pass - which we will probably be doing next time!), but I'd say it was worth it. It's not a hard hike, but was just right for me (me, being out of shape). The trial was a little uneven in places... literally within five minutes on the trail, I rolled my ankle on a tree root. But I walked it off and persevered! 

The trail runs along the river and then goes up and back down and then up again until you reach the Twin Falls. It was a pretty hike with all the tall green trees. It's a big change from our desert hiking days in Arizona!

There's a cool bridge that stretches across the falls giving you a great view. Perfect for some impromptu family photos (yeah, we are that dorky with our matching vests. :). Once we got to the bridge, we turned around to head back. It was a fun hike and we will definitely be going back!

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