Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Before + After: The Wing Back Lady

The day has finally come! After looking at this lady for months and months in all her teal glory, I finally made the change and she has blossomed into the wing back lady she was meant to be!

First, let's look back at where we started - my $25 Craigslist find with worn down padding under that well used teal fabric. 

Without further ado, allow me to introduce you to the new and improved Wing Back Lady!

What do you think? A complete 180 right? I am so happy with how she turned out! She was definitely a labor of love and I couldn't have done it without the help of my amazing mom (she did all the sewing/piping) and of course, the husband, too (he helped some with the stapling). :) Thank you guys for helping out! If I didn't have them to help me, it would have taken me a couple more days on my own. As it was, the project took us probably around 18 man hours (that includes my mom sewing while I was cutting - double time, basically). 

Here's how the progress went down (in pictures). Full tutorial to come...

I'm declaring the rest of this week "Re-Upholstery Week" here on the blog. It's kind of like Shark Week, but way more intense and suspenseful. Get ready, people! I'll be doing a series of tutorials on how I re-upholstered the Wing Back Lady! Exciting, right?!

Let's talk about the Benjamin's, shall we? Here's a breakdown of the total cost:

Chair - $25
Fabric - $98.97
Foam - $12.50
Spray Paint - $0 (already owned, but would be about $5)
Staples - $4
Total Cost - $140.47

I'd say that's a pretty good price, wouldn't you? Some of my anthropologie inspiration chairs (remember this post?) range anywhere from a few hundred dollars to (gasp!) $1,900!!! Yeah... that's definitely not in my medical school budget. But $140 + a little bit of blood, sweat and tears laughter? Yes, please!

More to come with a ton of pictures and some major how-to. Leave a comment and let me know what you think!


  1. stunning...well done, that is certainly a chair to be proud of!!!

  2. stunning...well done, that is certainly a chair to be proud of!!!

  3. Saw your fabulous chair on Better After!! Love your fabric choice, amazing job!

  4. I popped over from Bettter After, too. Where did out find that fabric - I love it!!!

    1. Thanks, Tiffany! I found the fabric at Fabric Depot in Portland, OR. They have amazing choices and really good deals too!

  5. how many yards of fabric did it take?

    1. I got 5 yards, but only ended up using about 4 yards. I used a guide (in one of my other posts) to determine how much fabric to buy based on the size and shape of my chair.

  6. Excellent job!!! Love this--I have two wing chairs and will refer back to this when re-doing them. I'm inspired.

  7. This chair is stunning! The fabric is beautiful. You did an amazing job - it really IS inspiring!

  8. Beautiful! I love wing back chairs. Great job, team!

  9. Thank you so much for showing all the steps it took! Gives me the inspiration to try it for myself.

    1. Thanks so much! Please share when you do try - I'd love to see!

  10. AMAZING! Your chair and fabric is Gorgeous! So impressed with how professional it looks! Awesome job!

  11. This looks great! I have to find your tutorials now! I have a reclining wing back, that I really love but def needs covering...I know it's going to be a pain..I LOVE that you did the piping and everything!

    1. Thank you! I am going to update this post to include links to my other tutorial posts, so keep an eye out!

  12. It looks amazing!! Seriously!! I wish I had added new padding to mine, that is the one thing I regret. Oh well next time right!! I love the fabric you used too. All your hard work was definitely worth it!!! :):)

  13. First of all, your chair looks amazing! You did a really nice job finishing it. Second of all, can I ask how you reattached the decorative fabric-covered cardboard to the ends of the arms? I'm working on a chair right now, and that part has me baffled... Any advice would be appreciated.

    1. Thanks! To reattach the pieces on the ends of the arms, I just used a hot glue gun. This chair doesn't get much use, so I wasn't too worried about it being super secure. So far, no troubles with it though! If you wanted something a little stronger you could probably use some gorilla glue too. Hope this helps!

  14. Can't wait to do it to my daughter's chair! Thank you for the inspiration

  15. What a fabulous job in every detail of the chair. My daughter's have wing back chairs that are in good shape, but the fabric....well's not cool in more ways than one. It is so worth it to invest time and money as long as someone like you puts it out there in easy to understand instructions. Thanks for inspiring me to show my girls that we can do it. Also the posts fron everyones questions helps as well. Happy stapling, cutting, gluing, stretching, staring, and completion of your next project as well as our first.

    1. Hi Tamara! So glad this will help you in your upholstering adventures! Let me know if you have any other questions as you go along. And please share the results when you are done - I'd love to see! It's definitely hard work, but the end result is so fantastic or rewarding!
