Monday, May 2, 2011

It's May!!!

I love the month of May. It's my birthday month, it's officially Spring (and actually starts to feel like it), and of course, April showers bring May flowers! Booyah. May is awesome!

We had a pretty relaxing weekend at the Kane household. Buster has been getting bored with us and continues to bite/chew/destroy my pretty things. His first training session on Wednesday went well. There was only one other dog in the class who was SUPER shy and a lot worse than Buster, so that made us feel slightly better. She taught them how to sit, which BBoy already knows, so he was a champ! She gave us some new words to use instead of the old "Good Boy!" and "No!", so now we use "Yes!" and "Wrong!" He seems to be responding better to those words, since it seemed like "No" just went in one ear and out the other.

I did a little shopping and picked up this guy (the small one) from Z Gallerie...

That was the first time I'd been in the store and it was awesome! It didn't hurt that right when I walked in they had a ton of aqua decor on display (I'm a sucker for anything and everything aqua). And then, I had to stop by Anthropologie too. Just to look, of course. :) I wish it wasn't so darn expensive, but I love just going in there for inspiration!

In husband news, he had to go into school on Saturday morning to do live pelvic exams(!). Crazy. He says he did well. I guess the model lady gets paid like $50/exam! I'm like, can I do that?! Oh, wait. Never mind.

Other than that, I caught up on a lot of sleep from the big Royal Wedding (Wasn't it fabulous?! Kate was stunning!) and did a little reading. We made some homemade salsa (so yummy), played cribbage and drank margaritas. It was pretty awesome.

And then, the good news that OBL had been killed by the US troops in Pakistan to round out the weekend. So glad that so many families can get some closure and peace of mind. Thank you to our troops who sacrifice every day for our freedom! USA!

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