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Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Teddy's Bear Nursery
Hey there! I'm (finally) back with a little reveal of Teddy's Nursery! He's only almost two years old now... so I figured it was about time? :) We had most of the nursery done when he was born, but for the crib. Teddy got a crib upgrade (from the pack n' play) when he was about seven months old (four months in our room in the rock n' play and three months in the nursery in the pack n' play before that!). Poor little dude (HashtagSecondChildProblems. HashtagCheapParents.). We originally thought Emerson would be out of her crib by the time Teddy transitioned to the nursery (she was almost 2.5 years old) but she wasn't really showing any interest in climbing out and slept great in there, so we didn't push her to move to her twin bed (even though it's already in her "big girl" room).
The theme for Teddy's nursery is more or less BEARS (mixed in with some arrows and adventure)! It just kind of made sense, since we were calling him "Gummy Bear" since the first ultrasound at 8 weeks. Then we picked his name (Theodore) and the bear theme was pretty much decided for us (Teddy Bear!).
We kept the walls the same color as they were in Emerson's Nursery because 1) I love the color and 2) we were lazy and didn't want to repaint. Being pregnant with your second child, a VERY BUSY toddler, and a husband in residency is NO JOKE and is totally different than being pregnant with your first. Feeling exhausted? First Pregnancy: Take a nap whenever you want. Second Pregnancy: Don't even think about because it ain't happening. Your toddler is ready to PLAY!
We decided to invest in an upholstered rocker/glider instead of our hand-me-down wooden rocker this time around. Even though I am super sentimental and love that wooden rocker (my Dad bought it for my Mom when she was pregnant with me!), it is not the most comfortable chair to spend hours and hours nursing and rocking restless babies. We got this gray rocker/glider from Walmart (find it here) and it was totally worth it. It's super comfortable and glides and rocks very smooth. It's a little deep, but with the pouf, it's fine. Sometimes I put a pillow behind my lower back and it's perfect. The back is high enough to rest your head on those sleepless "he-only-stops-crying-when-i-hold-him" nights. I can say that after over a year, this chair is still going strong! It's survived many a throw-up, spilled milk, you name it. The fabric is micro suede and cleans up so well. We have loved it.
Fun fact about the little bear pillow on the rocker... I picked this little guy up at Target because he was only $5 and a bear (and I tend to gravitate towards anything that has a bear on it these days). He has turned out to be the best little pillow ever! Not only does Teddy love to play with him, but he's the perfect shape and size to put behind your next for those late night/early morning feedings to make it a little more comfortable. Might be one of my favorite purchases.
You know I love me a good gallery wall! I'll try to source where I got everything... clockwise from the top left.
Oh, let's be adventurers, darling! - Hobby Lobby
Buster and Brody Profiles - stolen from Emerson's room!
Wooden frame (IKEA) and Teddy's 8 week ultrasound picture (where he looks like a Gummy Bear!)
Bears print - beckydown
T - Joann's
Mustache - Joann's cardboard sign (spray painted Navy)
Bear Cub Print - The Animal Print Shop (I've always wanted one of these prints - Thank you Kim!)
Hanging Arrow - Joann's garden sign (spray painted Navy)
Faux Bear Head - White Faux Taxidermy
Arrows Print - Hobby Lobby
Let's Sleep Under the Stars - Katie Daisy
And... that cute little bear in the frame on the bookshelf? That's Teddy Mike at a fresh 10 days old. 😍 (photography by Lorene Photography)
My company moved office across town before we had Teddy and this was one of the bookshelves in the old office they gave away for FREE. Booyah. I took off the back and added some navy and white striped fabric I had lying around, then reattached. I love how it came out!
Teal Elephant is from Target. Had to display Zach's collection of Calvin and Hobbs! Mountain book end is from Hobby Lobby. White ceramic bear is from Target (sitting on some original Hardy Boys books from my Grandma and Grandpa). And rounding out the shelf is an awesome pic of Zach and his older sister Bethany. I'm pretty sure we need to find those outfits and recreate this photo with Em and Teddy!
Instead of finding a second hand dresser and refinishing it, I went with an IKEA dresser in Navy. I love the color and it was less work than having to sand, strip, prime, paint, and seal a second hand version. Well, it might have taken just as long to put the IKEA version together... youknowwhatimean. I switched out the knobs with cute aqua and white stripe knobs from Lowe's. Lamp, hamper, pouf, rug and changing pad cover all from the mother ship... Target!
I made the map art from two spindles I stained, some twine and a $5 map print from Ben Franklin Crafts. The "T" and the "K" are from our parents - they found them in the gift shop at the hospital when Tedster was born and brought them to our recovery room. The mobile is an old antique mobile my mom found at an antique store. it has little clips on the ends of each hangar, perfect for hanging photos!
Home is wherever I'm with you canvas I made a few years back - tutorial here.
That's it! Teddy's Teddy Bear Nursery. Now Max is in there, and it is pretty much the same! :)
Boys Room,
Gummy Bear,
Sunday, November 8, 2015
In the Kitchen with Emerson
Disclaimer - This is a sponsored post brought to you by Kelleen Kreations.
All opinions are 100% my own.
Robin and Kelleen from Kelleen Kreations sent Emerson a customized apron a month or so ago. Robin (aka Mrs. Bradley) was actually my 4th grade teacher! Her daughter, Kelleen, creates kids clothing and kitchen accessories (pot holders, aprons, etc.). I had actually been wanting to get Em an apron for her play kitchen for a while, so this was the perfect opportunity!
Robin asked what colors Em liked and we came up with this design - colorful pattern for the main and polka dots for the lining and pockets (of course).
When the apron arrived, I was very impressed! It looked professionally made and the quality was great. The fabric we picked was adorable in person. Emerson loved the bright colors! It fit her perfectly - we went with the size Small, which is about a 3-4 (Emerson is about 36 inches tall).
Emerson's favorite part about the apron were the pockets! Once she realized they were there, she was obsessed! She tried stuffing all her "food" in them (they were actually quite spacious!).
You can tell Emerson loves her new apron and it definitely feels like something "special" when she plays with her kitchen. And let me tell you how hard it is to get a two year old to pose for pictures... especially a toddler with a strong will! :)
We would highly recommend Kelleen Kreations if you are looking for a great quality kids' apron! Perfect to pair with their play kitchen, especially if they love making "eggs and tea" for their Mama. :)
Check out Kelleen Kreations on Etsy here. You can also find Kelleen Kreations on Facebook here.
PS She also is licensed with UW, so check out her Husky gear!
When the apron arrived, I was very impressed! It looked professionally made and the quality was great. The fabric we picked was adorable in person. Emerson loved the bright colors! It fit her perfectly - we went with the size Small, which is about a 3-4 (Emerson is about 36 inches tall).
Emerson's favorite part about the apron were the pockets! Once she realized they were there, she was obsessed! She tried stuffing all her "food" in them (they were actually quite spacious!).
You can tell Emerson loves her new apron and it definitely feels like something "special" when she plays with her kitchen. And let me tell you how hard it is to get a two year old to pose for pictures... especially a toddler with a strong will! :)
We would highly recommend Kelleen Kreations if you are looking for a great quality kids' apron! Perfect to pair with their play kitchen, especially if they love making "eggs and tea" for their Mama. :)
Check out Kelleen Kreations on Etsy here. You can also find Kelleen Kreations on Facebook here.
PS She also is licensed with UW, so check out her Husky gear!
Monday, August 31, 2015
Teddy's Newborn Photos
Once again, we had the fabulous Tami from Lorene Photography take Teddy's newborn photos! Teddy was a champ and let us take some awesome pics (even though it took a while to get him to sleep in some of them). And, he only had one accident! Haha. Here's his newborn photos, taken at 10 days old. Isn't he the sweetest?!

Theodore Michael
Friday, August 28, 2015
Theodore Michael Kane
Emerson in the pink and Teddy in the blue. Don't they look like they could be twins?!
Teddy has been the most chill baby! He barely makes a peep except when he gets hungry or when we have our cooing conversations. He's a great eater and so far has been a good sleeper (we've even had a couple sleeps through the night!) He is the perfect addition to our little family and we couldn't be more in love with him!
Theodore Michael
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